Open Source & Privacy Friendly Disqus Alternative

Stop compromising on your user's privacy and your website's performance.

No more giving your user's data away

With many commenting widgets, you give your user's data to the service provider for free. With ConvoComet, only the bare minimum amount of data is taken, and no data is or will ever be sold

In fact, if you choose to enable it, you can allow users to comment entirely anonymously reducing friction and making users more comfortable commenting

Improve your user experience and SEO with lighter pages

Size of widget

148 KB
1.9 MB
Including HTML, CSS, and JS; Uncompressed

ConvoComet is extremely small and fast, meaning your website will show up higher on page results, and your users will be less likely to leave before the page loads

ConvoComet is also hosted on an ultra fast edge network, meaning your users will get fast page loads no matter where they are

Additionally, as we implement more optimization strategies, the widget will only get faster

Set up comments in 5 minutes

Setting up ConvoComet Cloud is as simple as creating a new site and pasting the code it gives you into your website. There are a growing number of integrations for frameworks and site builders to make things even easier.

Get started Check the docs